PT. Tridaya Patra Marine is established in 2010. This company operates two vessels, such as MV. Patra Marine 3801 and MV. Patra Offshore. They are Indonesian-flagged supply vessel equipped with 4-point mooring and has adequate accommodation. She is fuel efficient and has good capacities for transporting supplies, such as fuel, water and enough deck cargo space for offshore production, underwater facilities maintenance (diving support), and other purpose such as seismic survey.

We Are Always To Be Your Underwater Work Solution Partner

We always strive to be an underwater service company that prioritizes trust and customer satisfaction in every project we run. And we are always consistent to act decisively, think fast, and work appropriately as a professional team without compromising the family values and principles inherent in our company.



Pelanggan Terpercaya Kami



Nilai Perusahaan



Proyek Yang Kami Tangani



Proffesional Family

Our Amazing Team

Each team member has a uniqueness, quality, ability, and courage to act. When each team member works from awareness to demonstrate the best quality of ethos, the work flow in teamwork is very smooth and fast. Serenity and patience in teamwork add to the positive value and extraordinary depth for harmonious working relationships. It also brings closeness and cohesiveness in the team. If all team members are in positive energy and one perception, both at the level of behavior and mental level will not interfere with achieving the best performance. Great work awareness and passion can bring all team members together in a physical and mental dimension.

Family Gathering

"Unity in Diversty"

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15 Anniversary

Celebrated Tridaya Patra Marine Birthday

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Employee Long Trip

Tridaya Patra Marine To Padang

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